Tuesday 29 November 2011

A Whole New World! A Hundred Thousand Things to see!

Sunset in Lahaina!

       Where has the time gone! I'm writing from outside of my house as the sun is reflecting on me, i am reflecting on my time here.  funny hahah. It is a week and a half away until i leave here for my next mission in Bangladesh! (I leave on the 7th of December)
Manny's Moustache Marathon!
    I haven't wrote in a while, but life has been super busy! about a week a ago we had a media fast for a week a monday to a monday which was really good! I'd highly encourage everyone to at least try it sometime. you really realize how much time you spend on the computer and it is crazy how much wasted time it is!
on the boat to Molokini!
    Catching you up previously to my last entry, that same weekend I did a snorkling/sailing adventure with my school! One of the old staff gave us a really good deal and it was such a good time!
    We had Ben Cordy come in and talk about different worldviews. So interesting! and we aslo focused a lot about apologetic stuff to apply it not only to our outreach locations but when we get back home with one of the biggest movement beliefs around today: atheism. It makes me sad for my friends who have bought into Darwin's theory and also or the school''s who claim this is a fact. I could go really deep into this stuff since iIm super passionate about it, but i will leave that for another time. It makes me sad that people believe in evolution where really it doesn't have any proof. They just want to believe something so bad so that they won't turn to God. Romans 1:18-21 God desperately wants His people to come know him and many today are so ignorant to their creator. Yeah, but i just loved that week! That week on Monday, I also had a chance to lead worship for the hour on monday morning, with my friend Juice! It was really awesome! I am also excited because on my bangladesh team, I am coleading being the worship leader with my room mate kelsey!
     That saturday, you've all probably seen the video or pics but I also was a part of the ywam coffee house and talent show! I was i two acts! So you can probs guess but had worked on them both the day of all day. ONe of them i did with my friends Kashanna, Hannah everett and Kylie. We were called the glocals- haha funny;) We were glow-stick people and the room was all dark and all you could see were our glow-sticks dancing around! i think there is a video of me on my page if you want to check it out! It was awesome!
Juice and I with some props from the evening!
      The second one was like a dream come true! For those of you who don't know, i am a major major Disney girl.! hahah so i ended up doing a four song disney medley with Justin again! We started off as lions for The lion King, then transformed into Pocanhontas and John Smith for the Colors of the Wind, Then he was ariel and i was Flounder, and finally we finished with the classic A Whole New world as Jasmine and Aladdin! So fun! and we worked so hard on our costumes! It really paid off and it was so fun! When it was over, although it was around 7 min. long after it was over it felt like a musical had finished and i didn't want it to finish! It was so fun! Our whole school was pretty creative with other acts including lots of deece vocal skills and par -core routines, hillibilly twang, impersonations of wisconson, thriller, chinese and Emmy (one of the leaders here) dedicated a song to us called YWAM Maui Girls where she used the tune of california girls by Katy Perry.
     Then on Sunday, we had Invisible Children come to Waipuna and present. It was so moving and I really hope I will be able to see the day that Joseph Kony is found and put behind bars!
My Bangladesh Girls at Twin Falls after Cliff Jumping one day!
      LAst week,we had meredith from our base talk about spiritual warefare for 3 days. It was her first time ever speaking at Dts and she did great as well! Learned a lot once again, It is awesome to know that  we are on the winning team. God has already won! Also it was a good reminder that God is not on the same playing field with Satan. He is a lot more powerful with no limitations while Satan is a jerk that knows he is going to lose. We also learned a lot about Lucifer's history as being an ark angel of the worshipping angels.
Making perogies!
      Loretta the head cook had me prepare 300 perogies! Such a process! But it ended up working out really well! I taught 3 others to be my helpers-there was flour everywhere and I'd say for my first time ever making perogies ever bymyself without Grandma's help, they were fantastico! It was funny how much i felt the pressure to make them perfect! I wanted my Grandma there so bad to help! I guess that is what it is going to feel like to be a mom one day! I wanted people to really like them, since they are my favorite food and all!
Me with Martin and Ingrid from Norway! They brought me some
Norweigan chocolate!
My Bangladesh team and I at Thanksgiving!
         Then it was the weekend! I feel like i am recapping so many weeks and weekends, so I apologize if you aren't able to keep up with my life! It was a four day weekend! Just what i needed!  Wednesday was our Thanksgiving dinner! I love how much everyone loves dressing up here! Every time we get the opportunity to dress up, all the girls get crazy! it is quite the experience having 26 closets to choose from! Surprisingly, I don't think I have lost any clothes! wooohoo! The meal was incredible! The cooks went all out! we had yam with marshmellows (just like my mom makes them), buns 9yum!) steamed vegetables! gravy (fort those that like it) , and then homemade pumpkin, banana cream and almond pie for dessert with icecream! I was stuffed! There is soo much good food here! so many days I am just overwhelmed with the goodness of it, but with the fact I got to go on more runs! We took lots of pictures, did some sing-alongs, and every country represetned with their national anthem. Some of my favorites, besides us north american countries were Norway, Finland , and China. So cute! We ended the night with everyone all of the SBFM and DTS watching Elf! My favorite!
         This weekend Laura and I were self-designated fun extraordinaires! We took it upon ourselves to plan outrageous stuff for our second last weekend here! Not once this whole weekend i didn't sleep in  past 8:00. Thursday as plans were changing, we had a more lazy day. At 1:00 in the afternoon we decided to have a movie Marathon! By 1:30 in the morning, we successfully watched the three, extended versions of The Lord of tHe Rings! It was so epic! Also it was quite ironic because the boys had to leave the girls house by 11:00 so it was like 15 girls left in the end just watching Frodo finish the ring good and for all! Some of the boys went camping out a beach in Kihei and they were watching Twilight!
On Saturday! we went crazy over this rainbow!
Sunset in Lahaina
        Friday, I planned a trip to Lahaina and got 12 girls in total to come with me! We managed to get to the bus stop each by hitching in groups of three all arriving there just in time with two minutes to spare at 9:17! I planned the bus routes (when to get on, where t switch where to meet up) My dad's good planning adventure skills were definitely inhierited into me! With it being Black Friday, we did some shopping in Whaler;s village, in Kan'napali then  went to Lahaina to the beach and then for supper at Cheeseburger in Paradise! So many memories came back to my head from when My mom and dad took my sisters and I! I could even point out the exact table! Inside i was able to even find a Saskatchewan license plate! woo! go roughriders! although i heard their season was awful! that is too bad! Then I stayed on the beach and watched one of the prettiest sunsets ever! The oranges and pinks filled the skies and reflected magically over the ocean water! After that we had it perfectly planned out to  meet up with the town run vans in Kahaluli and i ended getting a sweet deal on a Justin Bieber DVD at Walmart! Gotta love it! unfortunately his christmas album has not yet gone on sale yet so I am going to wait on that but I want it so bad!  the motto for the day that Kaley gave me was "When you want something done, Kozan gets it done!"
Road to Hana shot
Road to Hana
        Saturday around 20 of us drove in trucks to Hana! I would for sure recommend this to everyone that comes to Hawaii! it was so cool! All along we did some steller cliff jumps as a group, saw some amazing sights, waterfalls, and more! I didn't do the big jumps that day but i was content with what I did:) We also swam in these black sand rock beaches which were really fun. One time i def thought i was done for! This ginormous wave from Poisidon came and like enngulfed us! thank goodness i was able to get out! haha We also did this one excursion where you swim in a black cave! One of the scarriest things i have ever done for sure! But again- worth every minute! The road was maybe my favorite part! One moment you were in an amazing rainforest scene to Mars to Africa! Being in the back of Tim's truck with ma gurls was so fun! We saw the most amazing rainbow ever! i was "wowing" ever minute at what I was seeing before my eyes! The rainbow was like 3 quarters full of a circle! I am not sure how to describe it but parts went into the ocean and then in the trees, and it was the most vibrant thing ever! i could actually see tons of purple in it! On the way home it was pouring! I was just in my bathing suit for a long time because honestly i was not that cold, then the sun went down and i started to feel it but kept telling myself i wasn't! the other girls thought i was crazy but i was such a fun ride back! we were singing songs into the rain like :Wannabeee by the Spice Girls, some Disney classics  etc . On top of that Kaley and I both had our own personal pan pizzas from Pizza Hut!
My Church group at Waipuna!
inside Waipuna
    Sunday was awesome too! It was our last church service at Waipuna! :( I really am going to miss them! I loved having the opportunity to serve and love on the kids. The church prayed for us and released us as well! After church we had our weekly gathering free sample stop at Cost-co and then we went to Paia Bay! The waves were a ten foot swell and swimming in them was so fun! I found a way where i didn't die every time they came! I became very good at swimming underneath the waves! (pro-surfer) ;) Then a group of us ate out at Flatbread Pizza Company to conclude this amazing long weekend!
      So that brings us to today! man where has the time gone. I can;t believe i have only a week and a half here left and then it is off for a new adventure.. This week is the final week of our lecture phase and we have the pleasure of having Ron carlson speak to us on Post Modernism! We get to be with the SBFM for this week so toay i got to sit with Ingrid and Emmiline and Catherine form Scotland! It looks like it is going to be a great week!
    Here i am not wanting to look in the future even though I am excited. Time is going by so quickly and I am pysched for the Plans Jesus has for me, but i have a feeling that this week is going to be super long, busy and emotional as we are all departing into our new homes. If you could continue to pray for us over this week that we are able to get everything done this last week and not feel the stress, but to also cherish each other's company so much! Also for God's blessing over each of our lives that He reveals to us what He wants us to pursue even after february because there are some people who are worried about that! God is gracious and good:) I am Yours forever. Take me as you find me as Your daughter to be your vessle on this earth living out your will for me:)
   Love you all! thanks again for your support! have a great week! -jac



  1. Wow, lots of information Jacs! This first half of your YWAM experience has been incredible to read about. Your pictures tell a thousand stories too. Hawaii is so beautiful, but more importantly is the beauty that I see growing in you. What an awesome thing now to prepare to leave tomorrow for your trek to Bangladesh. Praying for you and the team as you serve there:) Miss you tons, Mom

  2. Jaclyn,
    If somehow you have access to a computer in Bangladesh and check out this site, I want you to know that I'm thinking of you every day and praying for your safety and mission.
    Merry Christmas Jaclyn,
    Love, Nanny
